100% gapless tone-morphing via an innovative template that enables you to smoothly cross-fade between 2 distinct tones of your choice just by rocking on an expression pedal. Each tone gets it’s own set of associated effects, with spillover, without ANY switching gaps, allowing you to focus on your performance. Includes FOUR perfectly tuned presets of eight scenes each, including a no-nonsense rock preset (clean to lead), an AC-20 based clean-to-mid-gain preset, an effects-focused preset including an awesome ‘Synth-to-lead-guitar’ morph and a special 2-cab template that shows you how to morph Fractal Factory presets! Detailed notes included, showing you how to create your own morphing masterpieces.
This monster of a preset pack was used for all tones in the recording of my album. Have a listen to check them out!